Monday, September 15, 2014

Sleeping Sack from Loop de Lulu

My son has never been the swaddle kind of baby since his birth. When he sleeps he likes to move his little arms. So we quickly went for sleeping sacks.
Sleeping sacks are great because:
1- They keep the babies warm at night
2- They are safe to use
3- They prevent the babies from getting their legs stuck in between the bars of the crib
4- They are so CUTE!

The lastest one I bought is from Loop De Lulu. Loop De Lulu makes adorable handmade goods for children. She even custom made my sleeping sack. I told her my son loves giraffes and she made one with a cute giraffe appliqué. I would recommand Loop de Lulu to all my friends.

I just got it yesterday. Its great! She was so quick to make it! The fabric is soft and warm and the colors are great. It is really well made!  Now all I have to do is wait until my son is tall big enough for the sleeping sack! In the mean time Boolly is going to sleep in it.

If you want more information about Loop De Lulu check out their facebook page and Etsy store.


  1. It was my pleasure. I'm so happy you liked.

  2. I can't believe that was almost a year ago! I hope his newest sleepsack is keeping him warm and snuggly.
